Kylee Potae
For all New Zealand there has been a focus on health and education, and the expected and needed benefit increases:
Health - Funding boosts for
One of the cornerstones of a first world economy, health funding has always been a hard one to get right, with frustrations of long waiting lists, overworked and underpaid health professionals. BDO Partner, Rachel Shoebridge explains - “The implementation of health and disability reform will be a key focus in the next 12 months. This will include a single health organisation that will replace the current 20 DHBs and over 30 PHOs. The desired outcome being consistent and equitable care across the country and reduced complexity of the health system. A massive job ahead!”
Education is the key to a growing and developing a country, we need this to survive.
This increases income among those struggling the most. As always will it be far enough, given accommodation and living costs, but a step forward for child poverty?