David O'Connor
At BDO we understand your need for real time financial information. We also understand our Audit team has a role in helping Directors and Shareholders use that information with confidence. With our international methodology and software programs, we go beyond delivering independent financial statement audits, to provide you with constructive ideas for improving internal controls, financial systems and procedures in your business.
Our expertise across various business sectors is wide-ranging, from family-owned enterprises and Not-for-Profit entities to large New Zealand listed and multi-national exporting and importing companies. Armed with this experience and the BDO approach to audit, we are ready to add value to your business.
We have one of New Zealand’s largest dedicated audit teams and access to a network of experts around the world in over 160 countries.
Our staff are quickly able to apply skills and specialisations they've learned working across sectors and business types to benefit your business. Whether the audit is a legislative requirement or requested for a special purpose, we're committed to a high level of service and expertise.
Financial Reporting Insights
Keep up to date with the latest New Zealand and global developments in financial and sustainability reporting. Find out more here.
David O'Connor