Auckland-specific business support package - Expressions of interest now open

We’re delighted to see that an Auckland-specific business support package has been made available to organisations affected by COVID-19. Registrations for the package are now open. For information about business eligibility and the process for business applications for Activate Tāmaki Makaurau (including the eligible service categories), please go to the Activate Tāmaki Makaurau website.

BDO Auckland is registered to provide business advice and implementation support with Activate Tāmaki Makaurau. For more, please contact your local BDO representative.

The $60 million package is being administered by Auckland Unlimited with support from MBIE.

We encourage as many of you as possible that would like to access some support to register.

The new package will include three key areas of support that businesses can access:

  • Business advisory support
  • Implementation grant
  • Health and wellbeing support

There will be up to $3,000 for business advisory support and up to $4,000 for implementation support.

There are also business community resources available on how to operate under the COVID-19 Protection Framework, vaccinations and returning to work safely.

Please note that the current Regional Business Partner (RPB) offering has now been suspended so that Auckland Unlimited can focus on this new package.

We know how hard these past few months have been for businesses across Auckland so please do register your interest for accessing the support here. We look forward to helping businesses across Auckland recover and thrive as we move to the next phase of New Zealand’s COVID-19 response.


For more information, please contact your local BDO representative.