Be flexible at BDO

Be flexible at BDO

Flexibility is essential for Caleb Bottcher. When the Graduate Accountant isn’t at work at BDO Manawatu, he’s training and competing in cross country mountain bike events around the country - and further afield.  

We spoke to Caleb about how BDO allows him to bring his full self to work. 

Tell us about your BDO journey.  

“I came across BDO when I was doing my Bachelor of Accounting at university, looking at scholarships and thinking about life after study. A lecturer connected me with the Partners at BDO Manawatu, who asked me if I had work lined up for the following year. Not only did they offer me a Graduate position, but they also sponsored my World Cup racing season in Europe between leaving university and starting my accounting career.”  

What does being flexible mean to you?  

“It’s about allowing for variance. In business you need flexibility to be sustainable. The last few years have shown us that businesses that focus purely on efficiency - without allowing for flexibility - don’t always fare well.  

For me personally, flexibility means being able to do my best work in my role at BDO as well as meeting the cycling goals and demands I set for myself. Without flexibility, this wouldn’t happen. 

Flexibility encourages us to do more than we otherwise would. It shifts how we think from a simple “can I or can’t I do this?” to a broader approach of “how can I do this?” I believe it adds value not just to how we work, but also what we do for our clients and our connection to them.” 

How does BDO allow you to be flexible?  

“The most obvious one is taking leave for my cycling races. In summer this meant occasional Fridays out of the office to travel to National Series races, and I recently headed to the UCI Oceania MTB Championships in Brisbane (placing third in the male elite category!)  

BDO Manawatu has been really accommodating of my cycling, allowing me to swap days so I can compete and then make up that work time around my events. On a daily basis, this flows through to my training - I work longer hours on my cycling rest days and start slightly later when I have more training.” 

How does BDO’s approach to flexibility make you feel?  

“It makes me feel like I’m valued as a whole. The team recognises the benefits of having me fit, healthy, and focused, able to hit the ground running when I arrive in the office fired up after training.  

There’s a focus and drive in cycling that I think can be applied to accounting too. You might think that being an accountant is the polar opposite to an athlete, but I approach these roles in a similar away – it’s about optimising what I do to control the outcome as much as I can.  

For athletes, the support network and community are so important, and it’s amazing that BDO can play a part in this. Balancing my cycling with work has brought out the best in me. I’m still putting in the same level of training, competing as often as I can, and my results have been better than ever.  

At BDO I’m my best when… I’m recognised for all my strengths and achievements, both in my day job and outside of work. 

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